Bird Behavior

Black-Capped Conure vs The Green-Cheek Conure Comparison

For bird lovers and prospective pet owners researching what type of parrot might make the best fit for their home, two small to medium-sized species often show up on the short list: the black-capped conure (scientific name Pyrrhura rupicola) and the green-cheek conure (scientific name …

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Do Hawks Eat Lizards

Do hawks eat lizards? There is a lot of debate on whether hawks eat lizards. Some people say that hawks do not eat lizards, while others say that hawks do eat lizards. The answer to this question is not straightforward. Many factors contribute to the …

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Do Hawks Eat Owls

Do hawks eat owls? I have been asked this question several times, but I will tell you everything you need to know about hawks and owls today. So, do hawks eat owls? The simple answer is yes and no because hawks will not deliberately go …

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Why Is Your Budgie Sleeping A Lot?

Is your budgie sleeping a lot, and you are worried? A budgie, also known as a parakeet, originates from Australia. They are usually highly active and playful. However, if your budgie has been sleeping a lot more than usual, it may be a reason. Budgies …

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Why won’t Chickens Roost On Perch

The reason why your chickens won’t roost on their perch is usually that there is something else in the coop that is making them feel uncomfortable about it. For example, if you have a swinging perch or one without enough space for all of them, …

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Do Birds Get Bored In Cages

As a bird owner who loves her bird, you always want to keep your bird happy. Do many bird owners often ask if birds get bored in cages? Birds are natural explorers, and avian life is usually spent in the air. One of the reasons …

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Do Hawks Eat Crows

Hawks are powerful predators, and one wonders, “Do hawks eat crows?” Yes; hawks eat crows. However, Since hawks are predators and are willing to eat just about anything, it’s likely that a hawk will eat a crow if given the opportunity. This is because hawks …

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When Do I Need Workers Compensation For My Employees In New York State

If you are an employer in the state of New York, understanding the rules and regulations regarding workers’ compensation is essential. You may be wondering when you need to provide workers’ compensation for your employees, and the answer is not always straightforward. We will go …

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Human Vs. Eagle

The Human vs. Eagle debate will not go away so soon! While eagles have better eyesight, hearing, and grasping power, humans with the most developed cognitive brains are more versatile and intelligent than eagles. Eagles are the kings of the birds because they have better …

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How To Stop Crows From Destroying My Lawn

Watching your lawn getting destroyed by crows can be saddening. Crows are a nuisance that can ruin your lawn. They will eat your flowers, dig up your plants, and leave their droppings everywhere. That begs the question, “how to stop crows from destroying my lawn?” …

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