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Why Do Hawks Circle?

Have you ever wondered or asked why hawk circles do? When you see a bird circling, it is usually a hawk. But why do hawks …

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Top 20 Most Common Backyard Birds in Utah

Top 20 Most Common Backyard Birds in Utah

American Robin Mourning Dove House Finch Barn Swallow Black-chinned Hummingbird Dark-eyed Junco European Starling Black-billed Magpie Northern Flicker Black-capped Chickadee Yellow Warbler House Sparrow Western …

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10 Most Common Backyard Birds In South Dakota

10 Most Common Backyard Birds In South Dakota

South Dakota’s state bird is the Ring-Neck Pheasant. This bird, an imported species native to Asia, was chosen in 1943. According to ebird, there are …

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.st1{display:none}Birds Facts

.st1{display:none}Birds Info Guide


Why Do Hawks Circle?


Have you ever wondered or asked why hawk circles do? When you see a bird circling, it is usually a hawk. But why do hawks …