Top 20 Most Common Oregon Backyard Birds

VHave you ever wondered about how the backyards birds in Oregon? Or you live in Oregon and you want to know more the types of birds that visit your backyard so you can feed them and coexist together as living creatures?

It is an amazing experience when you put in bird feeders, and observing the birds that visit and it’s even better when you know what they are.

This blog post was published to answer your question and also to inform you on the things you can do to attract the particular breed of backyard birds you love.

  • American Robin
  • Song Sparrow
  • Dark-eyed Junco
  • American Crow
  • Spotted Towhee
  • Northern Flicker
  • Black-capped Chickadee
  • California Scrub-Jay
  • European Starling
  • Golden-crowned Sparrow
  • American Goldfinch
  • Anna’s Hummingbird
  • Swainson’s Thrush
  • Mourning Dove
  • Red-winged Blackbird
  • Steller’s Jay
  • Cedar Waxwing
  • House Finch
  • Western Tanager
  • Ruby-crowned Kinglet

American Goldfinch and Swainson’s Thrush are the most common birds in Oregon in the summer, while Dark-eyed Juncos California Scrub-Jay, as well as Golden-crowned Sparrows tend to be more frequent in winter.

If you’re looking to go birding in your backyard in Oregon take a look to learn the best ways to spot birds as well as how to draw even more bird species to your backyard.

Now, let’s take an in-depth analysis on each of them;

1. American Robin

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The American Robin is a frequent sight in lawns where they eat earthworms. They have black heads , and backs with orange or red breasts. They usually rest t in the trees during winter, which means you are likely to spot them in your backyard in the early spring.

American Robins can be seen in a variety of habitats including forests, woodlands and mountains to parks, fields and lawns. They eat earthwormsand snails, insects, as well as fruits.

You can draw more American Robins into your yard by planting sunflower seeds and suet, peanut hearts, fruits, and mealworms. Platform feeders are ideal or food tossed over the ground.

Additionally, you can plant native plants that grow fruit, such as the juniper, sumac and hawthorn and dogwood.

2. Song Sparrow

Song Sparrow

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Although Song sparrows aren’t as impressive like other backyard birds but the most fascinating feature about them is that they use their continuous song to draw mates during the summer and spring.

Song sparrows are found in open, bushy and wet zones, usually perched on low tree singing. They can also be found in backyard feeders.

They eat a variety of species of insects and plants, such as caterpillars, beetles spiders, earthworms, and spiders. They also eat strawberries, sunflower, buckwheat blackberries, wild cherries as well as rice and wheat.

You can draw more song sparrows and birds at your feeders in the back yard by placing sunflower seeds that are black in oil as well as cracked corn and Nyjer on the feeders on platforms.

3. Dark-eyed Junco

Dark-eyed Junco

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The dark-eyed Juncos are sparrows with diverse in color depending in oregon. They generally have a slate-colored color in the east, and white, black, and brown in west.

They are found in open and partly forest areas, usually in the ground, and are prevalent throughout the continent. They are found all year round in the west, and in in the Appalachian Mountains.

Breeders in Canada and Alaska move south in winter, settling in the southern part of the United States.

You can attract more dark-eyed Juncos to backyard feeders by offering many seeds like sunflower seeds with black oil, cracked corn, nyjer, millet and peanuts. Feeders on platforms or sprinkled across the ground are ideal.

4. American Crow

American Crow

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American Crows are massive black birds that produce the sound of a cawing, hoarse. They can be that are found in all habitats, such as treetops, fields, woods beaches, towns, and even beaches.

They consume a variety of things and typically feed off the floor, consuming insects, earthworms and even fruit. They also consume young turtles, fish mussels, clams, and can even consume nestlings and eggs of a variety of species of birds.

In the winter months, American Crows gather in large numbers , ranging from to 2 million crows, to lay in communal roosts.

It is possible to attract more American Crows to your yard by scattering peanuts, but they can cause a problem when they are attracted by trash or pet food put out.

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5. Spotted Towhee

Spotted Towhee

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Spotted Towhees are big sparrows that have black spots on their heads throat, back, and head in males and brown on the females.

Females and males spotted towhee share brownish reddish sides, white bellies as well as spot-like white areas on their back and wings. Long tails, and are similar to the size of a Robin.

Spotted Towhees are found in the dirt in thick knots of bushes that scratch around looking for insects such as crickets, beetles caterpillars, wasps and bees. They also consume acorns, seeds, and berries.

They are found along the Pacific coast, but they migrate to northern central states following breeding and show up in winter, swathes between north and south in the central states which makes them.very popular in Oregon.

It is possible to attract more Spotted Towhees to your garden by removing areas that are overgrown. They will go to feeders on platforms or ground feeders to feed Black Oil Sunflower seeds, Hulled Sunflower seeds, Cracked Corn, Millet, and Milo.

6. Northern Flicker

Northern Flicker

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Northern Flickers are big woodpeckers that are between the size of an owl and a Crow, which has brown coloring, black spots crescents, bars and their nape is red.

The tail’s underside and wings have bright yellow on birds of the eastern region and red in western birds.

They are often seen in backyard houses in Oregon looking for beetles and ants within forests or along the edges of. The ones that breed on the coasts of Canada or Alaska relocate to the southern states, however they are found all through the year across throughout the northern 48.

You can attract additional Northern Flickers at the backyard feeders by feeding them suet as well as black sunflower seeds with oil.

7. Black-capped Chickadee

Black-capped Chickadee

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The Black-capped chickadee is a adorable bird with a round head and a tiny body. They will happily eat at backyard feeders, and will look at everything, even you!

They sport black-capped beaks and black-caps with white cheeks. They are gray on their back as well as the wings and tail.

They are common in Oregon in forests, open forests as well as in parks, and open woods. The black-capped Chickadees devour seeds, berries, and spiders, insects, and suet.

Try sunflower seeds, suet and peanuts, or peanut butter to attract more Black-capped Chickadees into your backyard. They can even feed on your fingers and are typically some of the very first bird species to come across new feeders.

They also make use of nest boxes, particularly when you fill them with shavings of wood.

8. California Scrub-Jay

California Scrub-Jay

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California Scrub-Jays can be found in your backyards in large numbers having long tails long tails, whitish sides as well as rich gray and blue backs. They also sport a striking blue breast bands.

They are bigger than a robin, but smaller than the Crow. They look similar to the Woodhouse’s Scrub-Jay but have more vivid hues.

They can be seen in woodlands of oak, scrub and suburban yards as well as parks all along on the Pacific Seaboard.

California Scrub-Jays consume insects and fruits in summer and spring. They then eat nuts and seeds, particularly Acorns, during autumn and winter.

To attract more California Scrub-Jays into your yard, you can try some sunflower seeds or peanuts as feeders.

9. European Starling

European Starling

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European Starlings are not native birds in Oregon but they are among the largest songbirds and as we have discussed above they are very popular in Oregon. They are a large black bird with iridescent green, purple and blue hues.

Some consider them to be a nuisance because of their aggressive behaviour they fly in huge, noisy groups and are often seen perched at the high peaks of trees or flying over fields in large groups.

European Starlings consume insects, such as caterpillars, beetles, and flies including earthworms, spiders, and caterpillars mostly.

They also eat fruits such as cherries, holly the mulberries, berries Virginia Creeper, sumac, blackberries, grains and seeds.

You can draw more European Starlings at your backyard using black sunflower seeds that are oily Suet, corn, cracked and peanuts.

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10. Golden-crowned Sparrow

Golden-crowned Sparrow

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Golden-crowned Sparrows are grayish-brown on the underside and streaked brown on their back. Their heads sport a black crown and bright yellow forehead. In winter, the colors appear duller, with brown appearing on the crown. The yellow forehead also appears duller.

Breeding occurs in Alaska and the far western region of Canada before moving towards in the West Coast for winter.

When winter comes around, they may be seen in weedy fields looking for seeds, such as dock sumac, geranium, and dock and also eating fruits like apples, grapes elderberry, olives, and others.

Insects are also a part portions of their food sources, like beetles, ants, butterflies and termites.

You can lure more Golden-crowned Sparrows into your backyard by planting seeds into ground feeders, or by planting native plants that produce fruit.

11. American Goldfinch

American Goldfinch

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American Goldfinches are popular birds with males with who have bright black and bright yellow colors in spring. Females are dull brown, and so are the males in winter.

American Goldfinches breed in far northern states not only Oregon as well as in Canada before moving into southern states. They stay all year long throughout the U.S.

They can be seen in overgrown fields and weedy areas, where they hunt for sunflowers aster, thistle, and other plants. They can also be found in parks, suburban areas and backyards.

To draw more American Goldfinches to your backyard plant thistles and milkweed. They’ll frequent most bird feeders , and they will prefer sunflower seeds and nyjer seeds.

12. Anna’s Hummingbird

Anna’s Hummingbird

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The Anna’s Hummingbirds are small birds that are mostly gray and green. The male’s throat and head are iridescent and reddish-pink. female’s throats are grayish and has spots of red.

In the rarest of circumstances, Anna’s Hummingbirds don’t migrate which makes them the largest and most frequent Hummingbirds on the Pacific Coast.

They display a stunning display of dives during courtship, as males leap up to 130 feet in the air before returning to the ground, accompanied by a roar of sound coming emanating from the tail feathers.

They are usually found around huge, vibrant blossoms in the spring. They are also known to frequent hummingbirds feeders which can be filled with homemade Hummingbird food. They may come to feeders all through the year.

13. Swainson’s Thrush

Swainson’s Thrush

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Its Swainson’s Thrushes have medium-size thrushes with a lighter underneath, with chests that are spotted and brown on the back.

Swainson’s Thrushes are found in forests , foraging on the leaves for insects during the season of breeding and mostly red fruits like blackberries, raspberriesand sumac, and huckleberries. Ants are also a the majority of their diet, as do other insects. They are feeding nestlings.

Most often, they are only seen in the fall and spring within the upper 48 states, the Swainson’s Thrushes nest throughout Canada in Canada and Alaska before moving to Central as well as South America for winter.

It is possible to attract more Swainson’s Thrushes into your backyard by installing a birdbath on the ground as well as providing tree and shrub covers.

14. Mourning Dove

Mourning Dove

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Mourning Doves look elegant with their tiny-headed birds with big bodies and long tails. They’re a light brown, with black spots on the wings.

They can be observed perched on telephone wires or foraging to find seeds in fields, grasslands and backyards. Mourning Doves are often located in open areas or along the edges of woodland.

They are prevalent across the lower 48 during the entire year, however they could migrate to breed from the northern part of the state.

You can attract more Mourning Doves to your yard by scattering millet over the ground or on platforms feeders. They can also feast on the seeds of black sunflower, Nyjer cracked corn, peanut hearts.

15. Red-winged Blackbird

Red-winged Blackbird

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Red-winged Blackbirds are common and easily identifiable due to their all-black color, except for the bright yellow and red shoulder patches. Females tend to be dull when compared to their streaky, brown color.

They are frequently seen in the vicinity of telephone wires. males will fight for their territories during the breeding season, and even attack those who are near to their nests. In winter, they nest in huge numbers, often reaching millions.

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To draw more blackbirds with red wings to your yard just try mixing seeds and grain spread on the ground. They can take advantage of large feeders as well as platforms feeders.

16. Steller’s Jay

Steller’s Jay

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Steller’s Jays are large songbirds with black triangular crests which hang from their heads. They’re heads , and the back and chests are black, while the remainder of their bodies blue.

They are located in evergreen forests of the mountains. They can also be found at camping tables and picnic areas or backyard watering holes. They build nests from the dirt.

Stellar’s Jays eat most things they can find which includes insects seeds and berries, nuts, nestlings, eggs however, they also make an obnoxious mess of trash and picnics that are not secured!

Stellar’s Jays can be attracted to your yard with suet and peanuts.

17. Cedar Waxwing

Cedar Waxwing

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Cedar Waxwings are beautiful social birds. They are light brown on the chest, head and crest. This is fading to gray in the rear the tail and wings. The belly of the bird is pale yellow, with bright yellow at the tip. They wear a black mask that covers their eyes. They also have bright red on their wings’ tip.

They live throughout the time in northern states, and also in winter, they are found in the south. They have a high-pitched chirp and are often found in berry bushes streams, and woodlands.

To draw Cedar Waxwings into your backyard in Oregon, plant native trees and shrubs with small fruits such as dogwood, serviceberry and juniper. Winterberry and hawthorn. It is also possible to try fruits on feeders for platforms.

18. House Finch

House Finch

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House Finches sport a red head and breast for males, and brown-streaked coloring for the females. At first, it was only found in the western state, they were brought in the east states and has performed extremely well, encouraging to the Purple Finch.

They are found in farms, parks or along the edges of forests. They can also be found in backyard feeders. They are often located in groups of a loud nature which are difficult to miss.

It is possible to attract additional House Finches your backyard feeders by using black sunflower seeds or Nyjer seedlings in tubes and platforms for feeders.

There’s a surprising amount varieties of Red Birds in Oregon that you will be able to spot.

19. Western Tanager

Western Tanager

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Western Tanagers are flamboyant with an orange-red head and body, with yellow as well as black wings. They are found across western states, breeding in the north and then moving to the south in winter.

They are found in conifer forests with open spaces, but remain in the canopy despite their vivid color. The red color is likely to result from eating insects, which produce an indigo pigment that Western Tanagers are unable to produce.

It is possible to lure Western Tanagers using dried fruits such as cut oranges, other fruit from bird feeders.

20. Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

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The Ruby-crowned Kinglets are tiny songbirds which are olive-green. Males are crowned with a stunning red crown. It is generally flat, making it difficult to spot however, they are great when you can.

They breed throughout Canada and in the western mountains before settling in the south and southwest states, and Mexico for winter. They are also seen in migration, in the summer when they are abundant.

Ruby-crowned Kinglets are difficult to recognize and are swiftly moving birds that move around the lower branches’ foliage and in the bushes and trees in search of insects and spiders.

I hope this article was useful. Please leave your bird related questions and enquires in our comment section below.

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