Top 20 Common Backyard Birds In Kansas

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The table above shows the list of the most frequent bird species common at the park and at your backyards in New Jersey. These are the birds that also show up most often on checklists for state inspections on the website. The percentage indicates how frequently they are listed on checklists for bird species.

This article will provide details on identification and pictures to help you recognize and attract the common backyard birds found in New Jersey.

1. Northern Cardinal


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The bright male Northern Cardinal with black around their faces is an amazing picture, especially when viewed in winter when the background is white. Females are also somewhat glitzy due to their brown coloring and sharp brown crest highlights of red, and beaks that are red.

Northern Cardinals will sometimes attack their reflections in breeding season when they fight for their territory with a ferocious intensity.

You can draw even more Northern Cardinals to backyard feeders by using sunflower seeds, peanut heart millet, milo, and millet.

They feed from big tubes, feeders or platforms feeders, or food that is scattered across the ground.

2. Mourning Dove

Morning Dove

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Mourning Doves are beautiful small-headed birdswith big bodies and long tails. They have a soft brown color with black spots on the wings.

They can be seen perched on telephone wires or foraging to find seeds on the ground.

It is possible to attract even more Mourning Doves in your yard by scattering millet across the ground or in platform feeders. They can also feast on black sunflower seeds, Nyjer crack corn, peanut hearts.

3. American Robin

American Robin

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The American Robin is a regular sight in lawns where they eat earthworms. They are black-headed and backs with orange or red breasts. They are known to nest in trees during winter months, therefore it is more likely that you will find them in your backyard during spring.

They consume sunflower seeds and suet, peanut hearts, fruits, and mealworms.

Platform feeders are ideal or food sprinkled over the floor.

4. Blue Jay

Blue Jay

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Blue Jays can be described as common birds of song that have an upright crest of blue as well as black and blue backs as well as white undersides. They can be noisy birds and move in families, eating acorns , if they are available.

They like peanuts, sunflower seeds and suet, but prefer them on hoppers or tray feeders that are mounted on posts. They will also love an outdoor birdbath.

5. Song Sparrow

Song Sparrow

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Song sparrows aren’t so impressive as other backyard birds , but the brown-streaked birds rely on their melodies almost constantly to draw mates during the summer and spring.

They are located in open, shady and wet areas. They are usually perched on low, swaying shrub. They are usually found in backyard feeders.

It is possible to attract birds to the backyard by adding black sunflower seeds in oil, cracked corn and nyjer in your platforms for feeders.

6. Red-winged Blackbird

Red-winged Blackbirds

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The Red-winged Blackbird is a common sight and easily identifiable by their all-black coloring, except for the bright yellow and bright red shoulder patches. Females tend to be dull in comparison to the brown streaks of color.

See also  Top 20 Most Beautiful Backyard Birds In Maine

They are frequently seen perched on telephone wires, and males will fight for their territory during breeding season and even attack people who are closer to the nests. In winter, they nest in large numbers in the millions.

To attract more red-winged blackbirds in your yard, you can try mixing seeds and grain spread on the ground. They can be able to feed from large tubes as well as platforms feeders.

7. Red-bellied Woodpecker

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Red-bellied Woodpeckers are characterized by a light red belly, which can be difficult to recognize, sporting red caps and napes and black and white stripped back.

They call loudly in the spring and summer months. They are often found in forests and in woods particularly with deadwood.

It is possible to attract more Red-bellied Woodpeckers by feeding them suet and they may take a bite from hummingbird feeders.

Take a look at the different species of woodpeckers found in New Jersey that you can observe.

8. European Starling

European Starling

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European Starlings are not native but they are among the most widespread songbirds. They are a large black bird with iridescent green, purple and blue hues.

Some consider them to be a nuisance due to their aggressive behaviour These birds fly in huge groups and can be observed perched at the tree’s top or over fields in large groups.

It is possible to attract additional European Starlings at your garden feeders by using black sunflower seeds in oil suet, cracked corn and peanuts.

9. Tufted Titmouse

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Tufted Titmouse Tufted Titmouse has a gray back, and white beneath with adorable gray crests and big eyes that frequently are a favorite of chickadees, nuthatches and woodpeckers.

They may be aggressive over smaller birds. They are often located in parks, woodlands and in backyard feeders.

The Tufted Titmice can be attracted to your garden feeders by using sunflower seeds and suet and peanuts in suet cages and tube feeders. They can also eat suet from platforms for feeding.

10. American Goldfinch

American Goldfinch

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American Goldfinches are popular birds with males with who have bright black and bright yellow colors in spring. Females are dull brown and males are more in winter.

To draw even more American Goldfinches to your backyard Try planting milkweed and thistles. They are frequent visitors to feeders for birds and will prefer sunflower seeds and nyjer seeds.

11. Carolina Wren

Carolina Wren

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Carolina Wrens can be shy bird species that appear dark in the top, and lighter brown under. They sport white eyebrow stripes as well as a tipped tail that is upright and a an ebullient teakettle songs.

They are located in thickly green areas, and they will also visit backyard feeders.

You can draw even more Carolina Wrens into your garden feeders by using suet feeders, sunflower hulled seeds or peanut heart inside large tubes, or on feeders with platforms.

12. American Crow

American Crow

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American Crows are huge, black birds that emit an eerie cawing sound. They are common birds and can be seen in all areas, including trees, woods and fields, beaches or in towns.

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They consume a wide variety of food items and usually feed on earthworms that eat earthworms seeds, fruits, and seeds.

You can draw more American Crows into your yard with the scattering of peanuts.

13. Downy Woodpecker

Downy Woodpecker

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Downy Woodpeckers are tiny birds that are commonly seen in backyard feeders. They are usually paired with other birds like nuthatches and chickadees. They are black and white colors, and red spots on the top of their heads. They look like their cousins, the Hairy Woodpecker.

For even more Downy Woodpeckers into your yard Try suet feeders, but they can also consume sunflower seeds with black oil millet, peanuts, and millet in feeders that are on platforms.

14. White-throated Sparrow

White-throated Sparrow

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White-throated Sparrows are distinguished by their head with a black and white stripes with a bright white throat as well as yellow in between their bill and eye. They have brown backs while underneath they are gray.

The birds are migrants breeding most often in Canada and then heading south in winter, moving to southern and eastern states as well as California. The White-throated Sparrow can be seen in the woods and around the edges, frequently in large numbers.

It is possible to attract the White-throated Sparrows into your garden feeders by placing millet as well as black oil sunflower seeds placed on feeders with platforms.

15. Gray Catbird

Gray Catbird

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Gray Catbirds are so named due to their distinctive catty mew sound that can last as long as 10 minutes. They are medium-sized songbirds that have slate gray coloring with black tail and cap with an orange-reddish patch on their tails.

It is possible to spot Gray Catbirds in dense shrubs smaller trees, as well as on hedgerows or along the edges of forests.

It is possible to attract even more Gray Catbirds to your backyard feeders by planting fruit and plants or trees like dogwood, winterberry, or serviceberry.

16. Common Grackle

Common Grackle

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Common Grackle Common Grackle is a blackbird that is larger and more with a tail that is longer than the standard blackbird, and has shiny Iridescent bodies.

They eat a variety of crops, but they mostly eat corn. They are often seen in large groups, high in trees.

You can draw additional Common Grackles to your backyard with the use of most mixed seeds and mixed grains sprinkled over the ground or in platform feeders.

17. House Finch

House Finch

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House Finches sport a red breast and head for males, and brown-streaked coloring for females. The species was initially only found in western states. it was then introduced to eastern states, and has been doing exceptionally well, even moving out its cousin, the Purple Finch.

They are often located in farms, parks or along the edges of forests. They can also be found in backyard feeders. They are usually located in groups of a loud nature which are difficult to miss.

It is possible to attract additional House Finches your backyard feeders by planting black sunflower seeds or Nyjer seedlings in tubes and platforms feeders.

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18. House Sparrow

House Sparrow

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It is the House Sparrow is another introduced species that has performed successfully and now is among the most popular birds. They can be found close to homes and structures and are quite gentle and they can feed off your hands.

They are as a pest because they aren’t native to the area, however they can be seen in backyards even if you don’t feed them.

It is possible to attract even more House Sparrows to your backyard feeders by using a variety of birdseeds, including corn, millet as well sunflower seeds.

19. Northern Flicker

Northern Flicker

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Northern Flickers are big woodpeckers, ranging between the size of an owl and a crow With brownish coloring, black spots, bars and crescents, as well as their nape is red. The tail’s underside and wings have bright yellow on birds of the eastern region and red in western birds.

They can be seen in the dirt looking for ants and beetles within forests or along the edges of forest.

You can lure even more northern Flickers into your backyard’s feeders by feeding them suet as well as black sunflower seeds with oil.

20. White-breasted Nuthatch

White-breasted Nuthatch

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White-breasted Nuthatches can be active birds with gray-blue coloration on the back, while white on the belly and face and have black caps.

They cram massive nuts and acorns inside the tree bark, and then smash them with bills to break them open or “hatch” them in order to take the seeds out.

It is possible to attract more White-breasted Nuthatches into your garden by planting sunflower seeds as well as peanuts on suet feeders or tube feeders.

How To Attract Birds To Your Backyard in New Jersey

If you’d like to draw many more bird species to your backyard within New Jersey here are some ideas:

  • Set up bird feeders for all types of birds in order to attract the largest variety of birds to come into your backyard.
  • Install a water feature, like a birdbath fountain or stream. Make sure that the water is clear and is not stagnant.
  • Plant native plants to provide shelter and food. Trees, plants and trees that produce fruits, berries, as well as nuts. Blackberries, wild grasses elderberries, serviceberries Oaks, Beeches, Cherries Sumacs, Hemlocks, purple Coneflowers, Sunflowers, Milkweed, Cardinal Flowers, Trumpet Honeysuckle, Virginia Creeper, Buttonbush and Dogwoods.
  • Grow your grass long to provide shade and seed.
  • Set aside a brush pile to provide food, shelter and nesting areas for birds.
  • Avoid using herbicides or pesticides since they could be toxic to birds, and can impede the natural food sources to insects as well as seeds birds are likely to seek out within your yard.
  • Create nest boxes that draw breeding birds in and make sure that they are cleaned each year.

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